This is my second Romeo Y Julieta and based on the other reviews that one can find on the web my expectations are high. Unfortunately my previous experience with a R&J is not particularly good, admittedly that was a machine made cigar and this is hand made, but this is going to be interesting!
Cigar summary
Origin: Cuba
Ring gauge: 50
Length: 4 7/8
Manufactured: Hand made
Maturity: 1 month
Construction: Very good at first but fell apart towards the end
Draw: Easy, mild aniseed dry draw that firmed up after toasting
Strength: medium to full
Flavour: Nutty, coffee, pepper
Burn: From bad to worse
Guy's rating (70-100): 87
General comments:
Very nutty off the bat with some oiliness and some spiciness coming through. In addition the first 1/3 had some smokey barrel flavours coming through. Second third had the espresso coming through with perhaps some light earthy sweetness. The last third coffee and peppery spice were coming through stronger but the construction was starting to fail miserably. All in all the flavour is not too bad - but expected more, maybe that's a bit unfair, it's really solid. Maybe it's a personnel preference type taste, but it's just not for me. I wouldn't recommend this to a first time smoker. It will be some time before I get another R&J in my humidor.